History of a lost Love

Festivalul organizat de Asociatia CS “Feel&Dance” este primul eveniment cultural dezvoltat in Romania si in lume, care imbina stiluri diferite de dans cu muzica instrumentala de calitate, traditii si principii comune in dans si muzica, proiectii de film si o serie de evenimente conexe menite sa ii conecteze pe participanti cu muzica si cu ei insisi.

Sunteti invitati la un festival in care istoria muzicii si dansului intalneste dansatorii de azi, la care festivalurile de Mambo & Salsa le intalnesc pe cele de Tango Argentinian & Dansuri de Societate, Kizomba, Bachata, Swing, Lindy Hop & Charleston, in care totul se desfasoara intr-un décor stralucitor de film

  • ✔ 3 zile si 3 nopti de dans si voie buna,
  • ✔ tematici de film din anii 1940-1960, prin decoruri si efecte vizuale ,
  • ✔ spectacole, workshop-uri, petreceri,
  • ✔ vizitatori din tara si strainatate: dansatori incepatori sau experimentati, cat si non- dansatori,
  • ✔ prezentari de traditii, obiceiuri nationale si internationale si istoria dansului

“Mi-am dorit sa aduc laolalta culturi si genuri muzicale diferite, de unde oamenii sa aleaga, sa incerce, sa experimenteze, sa se implice si sa se cunoasca pe ei insisi si pe cei din jur, prin dans, miscare si muzica. Dansul inseamna exprimare, socializare, conectare, echipa.

Pentru mine, festivalul este mai mult decat muzica si dans. El vorbeste despre Iubire, Viata, Experienta si Valori. Este despre cum pretuiesc Trecutul ca sa pot Trai Prezentul si sa vad in Viitor. Festivalul reuseste sa cumuleze si sa exprime cu fiecare editie toata experienta mea ca dansator. Nu este despre mine, ci despre toate emotiile pe care am invatat sa le exprim prin dans. Vad oamenii si muzica si dansatorii si pot simti istoriile si emotiile lor si cum Istoria le-a marcat Prezentul si cum isi vor construi viitorul cu alegerile pe care le fac acum. “

Ioana Lupescu
Organizator & Creator Concept festival HLDF

Editia a 3-a internationala aduce:
✔ Peste 20 de artisti nationali si internationali, DJ invitati, toti din tari precum Romania,Portugalia, Franta, S.U.A, Cuba, Argentina
✔ Lectii de dans din domenii precum Salsa, Mambo, Bachata, Tango Argentinian, Kizomba, Dansuri africane& Capo Verdiene, Vals, Cha cha, Lindy Hop & Charleston etc.
✔ Intrare libera pentru anumite workshop-uri, spectacole, prezentari, precum si bilete usor de achizitionat
History of a lost Love

History of a lost Love
History of a lost Love
History of a lost Love

History of a lost Love
Finally, after many days, I am able to sit down and share my thoughts about my wonderful life adventure: my trip to Bucharest including participation in History of a lost Love DANCE Festival. I am very grateful that life has brought me opportunities such as this one! My thanks to every participator of this festival who really understood the value of La Época!!! Thank you very much for your interest and for your beautiful words of affirmation which are very much appreciated! I am very pleased to hear how much your experiences with La Época have opened your minds! It is exactly our mission! Continue your development, all the best on this way! Huge thanks, Sara & La Época
SARA KRAWCZYK Dancer, Actress, principal member of "I am Mambo" team and "La Época"
I am happy to be in the 2nd edition of a History of a lost Love Dance Festival.. I want to thank Ioana and all her team for such a great experience last year.I know this year will be much better and hope to see many salseros there with us.. See you soon ATACA CHICHOOOOOOOOOOO...
PEDRO GÓMEZ International instructor in Salsa on Clave & on1 & on2
Dear Ioana Lupescu & your entire time, Dear Bucharest, Dear Romania, I am unable to express enough my deepest gratitude for believing "La Época" - for valuing what "La Época" provides and represents..... Ioana, you and your entire team were well-organized; you care about your community of dancers; you meticulously organized so much and it was beautifully done.” “To all the dancers who attended the workshops - this festival is on your shoulders. Your presence demonstrated your willingness to learn and develop. I wish you only continued growth!! To all the dancers who attended the parties - Tango and Ballroom and Mambo & Salsa and Bachata & Kizomba - you gave this festival more and more energy. Thank you for the dances.”
LA ÉPOCA Musician, Director, Film Producer, International Instructor
“Mircea Eliade was saying in the “History of Religions” that is really necesary for us not to know exactly the chronology of the movie, the events and currents history, believes and religious ideas, but mostly TO UNDERSTAND THEIR MORPHOLOGY, the process of historical “transformation”... “History of a lost Love” is more than a history of dance written in black&white, it is a morphology where every piece of the puzzle is influencing the next one and brings you up to the STATE OF WONDER! ....And, as you all know, wisdom starts with wonder!
LUCIAN STAN Argentine Tango Teacher & Dancer
We are very grateful that we have had the opportunity to meet such a powerful artist as you, Josué. When we expose our creations on stage, we artists, expose ourselves, and our only desire is to touch and inspire people. If we succeed in doing so merely for one person than our presence on the stage made sense. Your artistic creation and interpretation are unique! Hope to see you again in Romania!
GEORGE DICE, regarding La Época in HlLDF 2014
A big thank you from a romanian heart! You do and you love! You love what you do, you do what you love! That is inspiration for me! Let us dance more, hug more, forgive more, cherish more, be More: thank you, Sara and Josué, La Época, for reminding us this!!! It was a huge pleasure to meet you (n.r.Sara Krawczyk)!!! You are a wonderful person with heart & soul! I love the way you dance!!! It is a huge pleasure to see you on the dance floor! And I am very excited that I had a chance to experience with you my first Tango, thank you!
LUCIAN STAN, regarding La Época & Sara Krawczyk in HlLDF 2014
CONGRATULATIONS for EVERYTHING: idea, concept, courage, commitment, implication, love for dance (of course, for some of us it is not only “lost” love) My option has been a FULL PASS at this event, and so it was my presence. If I had been present at only part of it, for sure I would have not understood completely the story which was told and the infos would have not be completed, as they gathered in the final”
ADELINA DANILOV, regarding HlLDF 2014
History of a lost Love
  • Bucuresti, Romania
  • contact [ at ] historyofalostlove.com
  • +40 723 575857
  • 12:00 - 16:00 (UTC+02:00)